I've just been cleaning up a storm and the apartment is neat for once so I invite all my friends to come over. That offer expires at about 3 p.m. when the kids get home and it becomes a disaster once more!
I have a lot of stitching to share so I'll jump right in.
First and foremost I finally finished and framed the Lost sampler I designed. It is stitched on Raw linen (for the life of me I cannot remember the count). I used Carrie's Creations threads with one plain DMC mixed in. The hardest part was the Dharma initiative symbol. It was very tricky to get the proportions correct but I am very happy with how it turned out. I also used a blend of two colors for the smoke monster to give it some nice visual texture. The border is a collection of simple backstitched names of characters from the show.
Well my little baby is now on its way to the U.K. to be part of the Mr. X Stitch display at the Stitch & Craft show in March. While I'm going nuts with the links I highly recommend checking out the Phat Quarter (a flikr group associated with the Mr. X Stitch site). The stuff you find on there will KNOCK YOUR SOCKS OFF.
A second gift I made, this time for my father-in-law, is the Knights of Columbus Fourth Degree symbol. Man oh man did this take me a lot longer than I thought it would. Large blocks of one color just kill me.
And finally for today I finished 'The Wrong Side of the Tracks' by Raise the Roof. Well a year ago I finished and I actually have the buttons to put on it but are they on?